The Wanton Troopers

The Wanton Troopers Analysis

Mary leaves his son, Kevin O’Brien, at a tender age. He is forced to live with his drunkard father and weird grandma. In school, more energetic boys bully him regularly. Kevin starts contemplating retaliation. The novel takes centre stage on matters of religion. Kevin’s grandmother, Martha O’Brien, is obsessed with religion. She believes that all of her actions are Godly. Martha argues with her daughter-in-law regularly. From an early age, Kevin believes that his tormentors will be consumed by fire in hell. His grandmother’s religious songs inspire him to be a believer. Martha is a wicked woman, but she uses scriptures to justify her wickedness. Kevin’s grandmother quotes the bible to justify her criticism of others. Martha perceives Mary as a sinner. The two don’t get along well.

Kevin is dying for success and opportunities. However, he feels betrayed when his mother abandons him. Kevin loves her mother so much. Judd O’Brien, Kevin’s father, mistreats him after Mary abandons them. Kevin is not happy with his father. To console himself, he believes in God. Family members of O’Brien’s household use scriptures to comfort themselves. However, Mary is of the contrary opinion because he believes that God curses the family due to their awful sins. Mary herself is a sinner. She becomes intimate with another man to Kevin’s amazement. Mary kisses her man in the presence of Kevin. Mary seems to care little even after discovering that Kevin was watching them.

Mary loves Kevin but decides to abandon the family due to her irresponsible husband. She seems to have stayed a little while because of love for Kevin. Eventually, she makes her mind to leave O’Brien’s household for good. Mary appears to be tired of her husband by having extramarital affairs. Besides, she doesn’t get along with her mother in law. On the other hand, Kevin loves both his mother and grandmother. The novel emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships among family members. Family members should share responsibilities and commitment to avoid conflicts.

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