The Wandering Fire Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Wandering Fire Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Darien is a symbol of supernatural power.

Darien symbolizes supernatural powers. When Darien is born, his mother, Jennifer, is shocked to learn that he grows at an abnormal rate, which is supernaturally fast. Darien takes after his father, and his eyes always turn red when channeling his supernatural powers. However, Darien is keen on using his powers only when defending himself, and he does not have the intention of hurting anyone like his father, Maugrim.

The brutal winter

The brutal winter symbolizes death. When Paul, Kevin, Kim, and company return to earth from Fionavar, they are confronted with a brutal winter that kills people, which also endangers their lives. To save the world from death, Paul and his friends start a journey to discover the cause of the brutal winter. They discover that Metran, the seer of Brennin, has caused the cruel winter. To end the winter, Kevin offers a sacrifice using his magic that overpowers Metran. However, immediately after the vile winter stops, the army of the dark attacks the company of Paul, and in the process, several soldiers from both sides die.

Maugrim is a symbol of irresponsible parenting.

When Maugrim gets Jennifer pregnant, he treats her badly and does not care about what will happen to his child. When Darien is born, he grows up without seeing his father. According to Jennifer, Maugrim is an irresponsible father and an atrocious lover who only prioritizes his interests and satisfaction. When Darien matures, he starts looking for Maugrim, hoping he will receive him warmly.

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