The Stud

Film version

Plans for a film version of The Stud were made early in the 1970s, when it was planned for Tony Curtis to star. However, the project fell through and was not given the go-ahead until 1977. Collins' sister, actress Joan Collins, had fallen on hard times and was finding it harder and harder to secure roles in her floundering career. She persuaded sister Jackie to sell her the film rights to the book and found herself an investor - a casual acquaintance she had met at the Cannes Film Festival. Forty-five-year-old Joan Collins herself starred as Fontaine Khaled, while Swiss-born actor Oliver Tobias and English actress Emma Jacobs were cast in the roles of Tony Blake and Alexandra Khaled. The film was a big hit and revived the career of Joan Collins. The success of the film led Jackie Collins to write a sequel, The Bitch, which was published the following year in 1979 and was also made into a film, again starring sister Joan. Both films were successful, and led to Aaron Spelling casting Collins as Alexis Carrington for the primetime soap opera Dynasty.

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