The Silver Sword

How is Edek presented as a Hero? (preferably quotes to match)

For my Essay, I have to find how one of the characters in the book is a hero - I've chosen Edek - I haven't found any good quotes to prove that he is a hero or possesses the qualities of one. If anyone has any could they please reply with them? Thanks

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Edek is the middle Balicki child. As the only boy, he feels a pressure to step into the role of provider and her protector. He is good at both of these, providing food by smuggling from German supplies and providing safe shelter in the woods. Before the war, he seems to have been physically strong, but his time in prison camp leaves him weakened by tuberculosis and his health does not return until well after the war. He is a bold young man with little fear. Edek is always prepared to give something, even if it is just a story,

Other voices joined in. “Give him a blanket.” “A tall story, but he’s earned a bed by the stove.” “Another story, somebody! One to make us forget.” “Put some romance in it.” (pg 85)