The Painted Door

The Painted Door Character List


Ann is the story's protagonist. After living for seven years as a farmer's wife, Ann has grown resentful of the way John neglects spending time with her in order to work fifteen-hour days. Ann feels isolated on the prairie farm and alienated from John, who has little to talk about other than his life as a farmer. While John is away, Ann acts on a long-standing attraction to Steven, their neighbor. But after sleeping with Steven, Ann feels guilt for having betrayed John and resolves to recommit herself to their marriage.


John is Ann's husband. At the beginning of the story he walks five miles to his father's farm to help with chores before the snowstorm comes in. John is described as thickset and dull-witted. He is also steadfast and loyal, although naïve in a way that frustrates Ann. After walking through the blizzard to reach Ann, John finds her in bed with Steven. John goes back out into the storm and dies, freezing to death while holding his wire boundary fence.


Steven is a handsome young farmer who lives a mile from John and Ann. Steven visits Ann while John is away, as John asks him to. Steven smiles at Ann in a confident, condescending way. He gradually convinces her that John will not come home that night, meaning that Steven and Ann are free to sleep with each other.

The Other Neighbors ("They")

At the end of the story, Ross writes that "they" discover John's body after the blizzard. It is implied that "they" are unnamed neighbors of Ann's. They agree that it was foolish of John to have attempted to return home before the storm had passed.

John's Father

John's father is an aging prairie farmer who lives five miles away from John and Ann. Aside from being mentioned, he does not appear in the story, but he is the reason John leaves Ann alone for the day.