The Midnight Library

The Midnight Library Imagery

Morning Light (Visual Imagery)

When Nora wakes up in her home in Cambridge, she finds herself in the living room: "It was morning. Light flooded through the curtains now. Cuddly toys—including Panda, and the elephant Nora had identified earlier—littered the floor." The morning light is described in a way that indicates the surprise she feels from falling asleep away from her bed and also indicates the lack of familiarity she has with the toys that are spread all over the floor.

Anxiety Constricts Her Chest (Haptic Imagery)

In her alternative life as the co-owner of a pub, Nora is surprised and a bit overwhelmed by her changed circumstances: "Nora felt anxiety constrict her chest." This haptic imagery serves to depict her agitation as a physical state.

Clinking Glasses (Auditory Imagery)

In the same pub scene, Nora overhears some sounds coming from inside the bar: "She heard the sound of clinking glass." The "clinking" sound that the glasses make slowly allows her to establish where she is. The description situates the reader as Nora begins to piece together the details of this life.

Musky Perfume And New Carpet (Olfactory Imagery)

The smell of the conference room Nora speaks in is described in the following way: "It was hard to breathe in this room. It smelled of musky perfume and new carpet." The details about "musky perfume" and "new carpet" give the impression that the room is alien to Nora and adds to the uncertainty she already feels about speaking.