The Man Who Wore His Wife's Sarong Characters

The Man Who Wore His Wife's Sarong Character List

Charlie Wong

She is a private investigator woman who helps women to solve their issues. Most of the clients think that Charlie Wong is a guy, but to their surprise, they realize that she is just a woman. Most of Wong's clients are women who are seeking marital advice and investigation. However, many people think that Cha-li is an adulterous woman who has no moral authority to counsel women.

Robina Lee

She is Charlie Wong’s client, who has come to seek investigation services. She has just discovered that her husband is cheating with another woman. She wants to know who this woman is and deal with her accordingly.

Chiam See Tong

He was once an opposition political candidate in Potong Pasir who praised the residents for voting for the underdog. He was the opposition member of parliament.


Cha-li’s adoptive father. He was also the medium of the Lord Sun Wukong’s temple. He rallied the residents to vote for Mr. Chiam in the year 1984.


Rose is the woman who is cheating with Robert Lee. Robina had asked Cha-li to investigate her husband privately and locate that older woman who had a secretive sexual affair with her husband. However, when Cha-li discovers that the side woman is Rose, she got shocked because she had received news earlier that she had died. Rose and Cha-li grew together.

Robert Lee

He is Robina's husband. He is cheating on her with another woman. He is the son of a hotel chain tycoon.

Mr. Singh

Singh is the night guard at the Goddess of Mercy Home (GMH) for the Elderly and Sick.

Miss Tan

She is the staff nurse at the Goddess of Mercy Home. She complains that Mr. Singh is doing her work well because the gate is always found open. She also accuses Mr. Singh of carelessness because he is still not at the entrance to be manning as a security man.

Lord Sun Wukong

He is the divine, courageous, and wise goddess who solves the problems troubling the people of Putong village. Most women believe in him because he mostly solves their marital issues. He could transform himself into forty-nine different creatures based on the circumstance.

Saddam Hussein

Cha-li’s pet dog that accompanied her to most of her investigative activities. For instance, when trailing Robert Lee, Cha-li carries along Saddam to jog with him while having a closer look at the place she expected Robert to come from in the corner house.

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