The Lincoln Lawyer Irony

The Lincoln Lawyer Irony

The paradox of Roulet

Roulet knows very well that he is lying, but he wants to get out of the hook of the justice system. According to Roulet, he was drugged by a prostitute who wanted to defraud him of his money, which is not true. Roulet is seeking Mick's defense of is an attorney. On the contrary, Roulet was caught with a knife during the incident implying that he is the one who murdered the sex worker.

The satire of the justice system

When people go to court, they try to seek justice, but the contrary happens. For instance, Mick is an attorney who knows that his client is guilty, but he goes ahead to defend him and tries to secure his freedom. Paradoxically, lawyers and attorneys decide to play the contrary role of defending criminals instead of helping innocent people to secure their freedom.

The murder of the police investigative officer

The police investigating the case of Roulet is murdered in cold blood. The paradox is that Mick's gun is used in the shooting, intended to frame him as the killer. Satirically, the true killer of the police officer is Roulet’s mother. The question, however, remains on how she secured Mick's gun to kill the officer. When she tries to shoot Mick, he kills her in self-defense.

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