The Great Gatsby (2013 Film)


  • Leonardo DiCaprio as James Gatz / Jay Gatsby, a mysterious millionaire who hosts wild parties at his house with the hope that his former lover Daisy will return
    • Tasman Palazzi as young James Gatz
    • Callan McAuliffe as teen James Gatz[8]
  • Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway, an aspiring writer, Gatsby's friend, and the film's narrator
  • Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan, Gatsby's former lover, Tom's wife, and Nick's cousin
  • Joel Edgerton as Tom Buchanan, an old money socialite who hates Gatsby because of his new money status and relationship with Daisy
  • Jason Clarke as George Wilson, Myrtle's husband and owner of a gas station in Valley of Ashes
  • Isla Fisher as Myrtle Wilson, Tom's mistress and an ambitious social climber
  • Elizabeth Debicki as Jordan Baker, a golf star and Daisy's best friend
  • Amitabh Bachchan as Meyer Wolfsheim, a gambler who met Gatsby in 1919[9]
  • Jack Thompson as Walter Perkins, a doctor at the psychiatric hospital where Nick is a patient[10]
  • Adelaide Clemens as Catherine, Myrtle's sister[11]
  • Richard Carter as Herzog, Gatsby's butler
  • Steve Bisley as Dan Cody, an alcoholic millionaire yacht owner that Gatsby met in his teenage years
  • Felix Williamson as Henri[8]
  • Barry Otto as Benny McClenehan

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