The Flowers of Evil

The Nature

How do you see the relationship between Baudelaire and Nature in The Flowers of Evil?

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Nature is important to Baudelaire in a variety of different ways. In one way, he sees nature as a reflection of his own inner turmoil, darkening skies and descending avalanaches accompany his sadness..... mirroring his feelings of depression. He also sees nature as a completely indifferent and external entity..... an entity that doesn't give him a second thought and actually mocks his suffering with its beauty and harmony. Baudelaire also notes that nature has the power to frighten him, reminding him of trespasses that signal his fall from grace. Lastly, Baudeliare believes that nature is the key to the mystery of existence, including God, and can yield its secrets to the poet who interprets its symbols.


The Flowers of Evil