The Exorcist (1973 film) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why doesn't Regan remember the events that happened while and after Pazuzu left her body and possessed Fr. Karras?

    This is a good question, as we know that she was somewhat conscious of Fr. Karras' death. It is nevertheless revealed that she has forgotten everything that happened while she was possessed, which includes the scene of Fr. Karras' possession as well. The most reliable answer to the question is that she has blocked the events out mentally, or that she was less conscious than she seemed.

    Regan MacNeil's possession by the demon Pazuzu and subsequent exorcism at the hands of Father Karras is a harrowing event that has been immortalized in popular culture through William Peter Blatty's novel "The Exorcist" and the subsequent film adaptation. However, one of the most intriguing aspects of the story is the fact that Regan has no memory of the events that transpired while she was under the influence of Pazuzu. There are a few possible explanations for Regan's lack of memory regarding the possession and exorcism. One possibility is that Regan's memory loss is a result of the trauma she experienced during the possession. The demonic forces that took control of her body were undoubtedly terrifying and could have caused a kind of psychological defense mechanism to protect Regan from remembering the events that occurred while Pazuzu was in control. Another possible explanation is that the memories were suppressed by the religious authorities involved in the exorcism. It is quite possible that Father Karras and the other priests involved in the exorcism decided that it would be best for Regan not to remember the traumatic events that took place. This decision could have been made to help Regan move on from the experience and live a more normal life. Additionally, it is also possible that Regan simply does not remember the events because she was not fully conscious during the possession. The demonic forces at play during the exorcism may have clouded Regan's awareness, causing her to lose track of time and events. Overall, the mystery of why Regan does not remember the events that happened while and after Pazuzu possessed her body and was exorcised by Father Karras adds an air of intrigue to an already chilling tale. While we may never know the exact reason for Regan's memory loss, it serves as a reminder of the darkness that lurks in the shadows and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unspeakable evil.

  2. 2

    How is the demon at the beginning of the movie connected to Pazuzu, the demon featured in the rest of the narrative?

    The demon at the beginning of the movie is the same as the one at the end, Pazuzu. The archeological dig where they find the talisman connected to Pazuzu might be one of the reasons for Pazuzu's release.

  3. 3

    Why does Chris get such a bad conscience for her daughters’ possession?

    Chris focused more on her job than she did her daughter, which (might have been) the reason why Regan decided to entertain herself with occultism. Therefore, had Chris focused more on her daughter, she might never have been exposed to the demonic possession that took over her body.

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