The Devil and Tom Walker


Works by Washington Irving
Title Publication date Written As Genre
Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle 1802 Jonathan Oldstyle Observational Letters
Salmagundi 1807–1808 Launcelot Langstaff, Will Wizard Periodical
A History of New York 1809 Diedrich Knickerbocker Satire
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 1819–1820 Geoffrey Crayon Short stories/Essays
Bracebridge Hall 1822 Geoffrey Crayon Short stories/Essays
Tales of a Traveller 1824 Geoffrey Crayon Short stories/Essays
A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus 1828 Washington Irving Biography
Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada 1829 Fray Antonio Agapida[135] Romantic history
Voyages and Discoveriesof the Companions of Columbus 1831 Washington Irving Biography/History
Tales of the Alhambra 1832 "The Author of the Sketch Book" Short stories/Travel
The Crayon Miscellany[136] 1835 Geoffrey Crayon Short stories
Astoria 1836 Washington Irving History
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville 1837 Washington Irving Biography/Romantic History
The Life of Oliver Goldsmith 1840(revised 1849) Washington Irving Biography
Biography and Poetical Remainsof the Late Margaret Miller Davidson 1841 Washington Irving Biography
Mahomet and His Successors 1850 Washington Irving Biography
Wolfert's Roost 1855 Geoffrey CrayonDiedrich KnickerbockerWashington Irving Short stories/Essays
The Life of George Washington (5 volumes) 1855–1859 Washington Irving Biography

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