The Aftermath Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Aftermath Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Beast that Ozi and his friends were chasing symbolizes the old Nazi regime

When the novel begins, Ozi and his fellow street children are chasing a black beast which they later find and shoot at. Ozi misses the shot but he vows that he will get it right the next time. The beast is a symbol of the old Nazi regime that is now in hiding because Germany had lost the World War II. Ozi symbolizes the allies who are fighting the regime and they want to make sure that it ends. The fact that Ozi missed the shot is a symbol that the regime is still alive though it is dying. This is because in the novel, a Nazi group has been formed by Albert and it is known as the 88 movement. This group carries out various terror attacks against the British such as killing one of the commanders.

Ozi is a symbol of the patriots of Germany and also those that suffered as a result of the war

Ozi represents the many children in Germany who were orphaned when their parents died in the war. He literary fights for everything that he has. He lacks the essential basic needs of food and water which he has to borrow from Lewis who is a colonel in the British army. He also symbolizes those citizens that show patriotism because he warns his brother Albert against the killing of the British colonel. He recognizes that for them to rebuild the country, they need to stop fighting back the British.

Ozi's clothes represent Germany in the aftermath of World War II

Ozi's clothes are a mixture of riches and rags. He collects his clothes from the items that people left over after the war. Hence his clothes represent Germany in the aftermath of the war. The author says that Germany is a beautiful country but the effects of the war included the destruction of property. The town where the British Headquarters are located is described as a mess of rubble. It is a mess of rubble because of a recent bombing that destroyed the buildings in the city. Germany still has some of its parts that were not destroyed. These parts are symbolized by the rich colorful clothes while the parts that have been destroyed are symbolized by the rags parts.

The 'shared sea' represents the divison between the Germans and the British

Lewis talks of the 'shared sea' which would bring his family to him. This sea is shared by Britain and Germany. It can also be seen as a symbol for it separates the two countries. The sea is a symbol of the division and hatred between the citizens of the two countries during the times of the war. They both blame each other for their misfortunes. An example is Rachael who is Lewis' wife; she does not like the Germans at all and she warns her son Edmund against fraternizing with them. She does this because her other son Michael was killed in a bombing that was done by the Germans.

Motif of Loss

The novel is characterized by death. This is because it is set in the aftermath of World War II. There are many losses in life in both sides ; the British and the Germans. Characters in the novel have lost a loved one in the war. Rachael's son Michael was killed in a bombing in London; Claudia, who was Lubert's wife, also died in a bombing. The commander in the British army was killed by Albert who is the leader of the 88 movement. In a recent protest against the British, many people lost their lives.

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