Super Size Me


Six weeks after the film's debut, McDonald's discontinued its supersize portions.[31] In the United Kingdom, McDonald's publicized a website which included a response to and criticisms of the film.[32] In theaters in the UK, the company placed a brief ad in the film's trailers, pointing to the URL and stating, "See what we disagree with. See what we agree with."

Internationally, Super Size Me was a major success in the box office of Australia.[33] McDonald's in Australia responded with an advertising campaign that included three elements: two advertisements for TV and one produced to be shown in movie theaters.[33]

The film was the inspiration for the BBC television series The Supersizers... in which the presenters dine on historical meals and take medical tests to ascertain the impact on their health.[34]

The film was also the inspiration for the 2007 documentary film Super High Me, directed by Michael Blieden. The film follows Doug Benson, a comedian and cannabis enthusiast, as he becomes the subject to a multitude of tests designed to measure the physical and mental impacts of, first, not smoking cannabis for 30 days, and then smoking non-stop for 30 days. The poster for the movie was modeled after one of the promotional posters from Super Size Me.

The premise of the 2011 documentary Forks Over Knives was to create the "reverse" of Super Size Me, where the film's director "goes on this diet and gets better, instead of getting fatter and sicker".[35]

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