Sonia Sanchez: Poems

Sonia Sanchez: Poems Analysis


Here, the speaker brings nature into play to expand on the makeup of love. Love flares up enthusiastically in the same way as rain. The speaker explains, “ the rain exploding/in the air above is love.” When love bursts forth, nothing can discontinue it for it is terrifically fascinating. Correspondingly, the speaker asserts, “ the grass excreting her/ green wax is love.” The excretion procedure takes place voluntarily; therefore, lovers cannot be constrained to avow their love which the green wax portrays. Additionally, the speaker hints at the memories of love when he/she declares, “stones remembering/ past steps is love.” The personification of stones is imperative in accentuating the memories that lovers generate when exploring their associations; hence love memories are ineradicable.

“This Is Not a Small Voice”

“This Is Not a Small Voice” applies the Small versus Big binary. The black’s craving for knowledge is a ‘big voice’ for it “ is a love that crowns the feet with hands/that nourishes, conceives, feels the water sails and mends the children.” The crowing influence of the voice is substantial for it nurtures the children with scholarly ideals that would aid them be ingenious individuals. The Imagery of the ‘water sails’ affirms that the children’s adulation for learning is profuse. Furthermore, the education advocates amending effect that would complement the children cognitively.

“A Poem for Ella Fitzgerald”

Sanchez cites a religious allusion when she writes about Ella’s “Voice walking on water.” Jesus strode on water too which is a phenomenal manifestation. Paralleling Ella’s voice to Jesus’ feet highlights her sovereignty in singing. Ella’s voice took up omnipotence that is corresponding to Jesus’ feet. Also, nature augments the description of Ella’s sovereign voice. Sanchez reminisces, “she (Ella) swallowed the sun/sang confessions from the evening stars/made earth divulge her secrets.” The sun, stars and earth submit to Ella’s voice because it is all-powerful. The sun is less compelling than Ella for she enthralled it. Similarly, the evening stars disclosed their enigmas to Ella due to her authority. The earth had faith in Ella for it to share its confidences with her.

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