Schmoedipus Quotes


"We were very close some years ago... very very close I might say."


At the beginning of the teleplay, Elizabeth does not know who Glen is. To her, he is a mysterious stranger, who seems to know a great deal about her. He tells her that they were "very close some years ago," alluding to when she was pregnant with him. At this point, Elizabeth is trying to figure out who Glen is, and he is hinting at his identity, trying to confuse her.

"You owe me my childhood all over."


Glen claims that Elizabeth owes him something, as she was not there for him when he was a child. This is part of Glen's attempt to make Elizabeth feel guilty, which involves disturbing and threatening behavior. For example, Glen ominously slams the living room door shut, giving Elizabeth the impression that she is trapped.

"You used to be Elizabeth Alice Dale."


When he first arrives at Elizabeth's house, Glen hints at who he is in a series of enigmatic statements. An example of this is the fact he refers to her maiden name, Elizabeth Alice Dale. This is quite an intimate fact to know about someone, suggesting that Glen is someone who knows her very well. As we might expect, the admission that he knows her maiden name shocks Elizabeth, making her question who he might be.

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