Schmoedipus Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the meaning of the title?

    The title of this teleplay plays on the word "Oedipus," which originates from Greek mythology. Essentially, Oedipus was a mythological figure who killed his father and married his mother. In modern times, it is used to describe a man who is overly attached to his mother.

  2. 2

    Why does Elizabeth allow Glen into her life?

    Elizabeth Carter is leading a relatively normal life, when a stranger arrives at her house, claiming to be her son. After giving birth as a teenager, Carter was forced to give him up for adoption. As such, part of what motivates Elizabeth to allow Glen into her life is the guilt she feels. In addition to this, Carter is also delighted that he has found her, as she cares for him deeply.

  3. 3

    What is the first impression we get of Glen?

    When Glen first arrives at the home of Elizabeth Carter, he is depicted as a threatening and frightening figure. He loiters outside her house before knocking on the door, clearly frightening Elizabeth. He then speaks to her, making some strange and uncomfortable references. Overall, the impression we get is that he is a strange person.

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