Runaway Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Runaway Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The White Pet (Flora)

Flora is the white goat pet that symbolizes Carla's entrapment in her marriage to Clark. One day, Carla wakes up and finds Flora missing, but she hopes she will return. At the same time, Carla decides to escape to Toronto to find peace of mind, but she decides to return and forgive Clark. Similarly, Flora reappears the same day Carla returns to Clark. Therefore, Flora is a central symbol in the novel because she symbolizes Carla.

Sylvia home

Sylvia's home symbolizes refuge for Carla. Whenever Carla gets to Sylvia's house, she feels safe. Carla is free with Sylvia, and she tells her everything she goes through with her husband. Sylvia is caring and concerned. Sylvia advises Carla to escape the abusive marriage and find peace of mind in Toronto.

The marriage between Carla and Clark

The marriage between Carla and Clark symbolizes the capriciousness of life. Carla goes against all odds to marry Clark, knowing she will get the best and be happy. Carla's parents were against the marriage, but she decided to elope with Clark. After the marriage, everything went against Carla's expectations. There was no happiness in the marriage; instead, it faced financial difficulties and abuses. Therefore, Carla faced the capriciousness of life head-on, and she learned the hard way.

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