Runaway Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the main conflict in the novel Runaway?

    The main conflict is between Carla and her parents. The parents want the best for their daughter. For instance, parents want their children to finish school and build their careers before settling down in marriage. More importantly, parents expect their children to be obedient. However, Carla disobeys her parent’s orders and chooses to get married to a school dropout because she loves him.

  2. 2

    How does the author illustrate that choices have consequences?

    The author reminds readers that choices have consequences because when one makes a decision, she must expect a particular outcome. The most important authority a human being has in life is to choose what he wants. In the novel Runaway, Carla makes a choice to follow the desire of her heart, which is to get married to Clark. According to Carla, her parents cannot choose what she does with her future. When the marriage becomes unbearable, Carla decides not to tell her parents and decides to suffer in silence because she is the one who made a wrong choice from the beginning.

  3. 3

    How does the author build the theme of betrayal in the novel?

    Carla betrays Sylvia, who advises her to run away to Canada. Earlier, Sylvia had burst into tears in Sylvia's home after she told her about her abusive husband. Sylvia felt sorry for Carla and thought it wise to advise her to run away from her abusive husband. Sylvia gave Carla new clothes and money and instructed her to run to Toronto to live with her friend. Carla agreed to the plan and headed to the bus. Ironically, Carla alighted before the bus began the journey and called Clark to come for her. Clark came and took her home, but that night, he went to threaten Sylvia and break their relationship. Sylvia felt betrayed by a woman she intended to help and apologized to Clark.

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