Return of the Native


The Return of the Native was filmed for Hallmark Hall of Fame and broadcast on television in 1994. It was filmed in Exmoor National Park. The film stars Catherine Zeta Jones as Eustacia Vye, Clive Owen as Damon Wildeve, Ray Stevenson as Clym Yeobright, and Joan Plowright as Mrs. Yeobright. Jack Gold directed.[7]

In 2010 an Americanised film adaptation of The Return of the Native was directed by Ben Westbrook. It is set in the Appalachian Mountains in the 1930s during The Great Depression.[8]

In 1956, a Bengali film starring Uttam Kumar and Mala Sinha titled Putrabadhu (trans:Daughter-in-Law) was released. The plot was based roughly on Hardy's novel, albeit with a happy ending. [9]

The novel has also been adapted for the stage several times. Dance on a Country Grave is a musical stage adaptation by Kelly Hamilton. On June 15, 1948 a radio adaptation featuring Michael Redgrave aired on CBS's Studio One. [10]

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