Really Good, Actually Summary

Really Good, Actually Summary

Maggie's world has been turned upside down by a surprising divorce which she never saw coming at the age of only 29. Because of it, she finds herself struggling to cope with life and with the upheaval the divorce caused. As she navigates the aftermath of her tragic and unexpected divorce and failed marriage, Maggie constantly asks herself what went wrong in her relationship and how she can move on from the heartbreak her relationship caused. She spends much of her time dedicated to finding answers to those questions. She spends time on the internet, messaging people obsessively, and talking with anyone who will listen (including her friend). But her quest only leads to more anxiety and more confusion. Her life as what she calls a “Surprisingly Young Divorcée™” then begins in earnest.

Through the difficult time she is going through, Maggie feels adrift and alone, struggling to lead a happy and healthy life–even though she is supported by friends and an advisor. Because of her pain and grief, Maggie starts to act out and make ill-advised decisions that she even questions. She takes up an inordinate number of hobbies, starts eating hamburgers at 4AM, and starts a new life. In this journey of self-discovery, nothing makes sense, but she wants to discover herself once again. But Maggie’s behavior doesn’t involve her pitying herself constantly; she never wallows. Instead, she wants nothing more than to carve out a new path for herself and discover who she is now. She wants her new self to reflect who she has become, what her goals now are, and what her purpose is.

As Maggie begins to explore new avenues that could potentially lead to more self-discovery, she finds herself slowly getting rid of the expectations and limitations associated with her former life. She learns to embrace who she truly is, imperfections and all, and begins to chart a course that is her own and only her own. Along the way, she discovers new friendships and unexpected opportunities that help her to heal and grow. Ultimately, she grows tremendously and becomes a new person, reinvigorated and with a better understanding of who she is.

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