Pod Characters

Pod Character List


Ea is the story's protagonist, a youthful spinner dolphin living in a small, tender, and democratic pod off an archipelago. Ea cannot hear the ocean's relaxing music. However, Ea can sense whales' motion and singing because they share an ancestral language. For instance, when the humpback sings, Ea senses its loneliness.

Ea is a peace-loving citizen in the ocean, and she advocates for political stability. When Ea discovers that Devi and her husband are using the divide-and-rule strategy, she confronts the Tursiop's authority to demand fair representation. Consequently, despite being disabled, Ea can participate in ensuring peaceful coexistence inside and outside her pod.


Google is a male dolphin that has spent most of his life in the US Navy's military lab. Google is an obedient dolphin because he follows orders without hesitation. The people handling Google are proud of him because he is a great friend. One day, Google is injured and is released into the wild to meet other dolphins and whales.


Oyster is a close friend of Ea, and he attaches himself to Ea’s body. Oyster can read Ea's cognizant thoughts. Oyster plays an important role in helping Ea to understand what is happening around her because she cannot detect sound. Other dolphins in the pod consider Oyster's relationship with Ea parasitic, but Ea considers him a companion who understands her needs.


Moray is a dolphin with small sharp eyes. Moray can see a long distance and can sense danger from a distance. Most importantly, Moray is a wise dolphin because he helps those around the home. In addition, Moray is friendly but cruel to those who abuse his privacy.


Devi is the consort of Lord Ka, and she plays a major role in helping her husband rule the ocean. Devi ensures her husband is healthy and strong enough to rule his citizens. Devi rallies females in her territory to support her husband in every aspect of their lives.

Lord Ka

Lord Ka is Devi's husband and the ruler of the ocean. Lord Ka is an experienced politician who knows how to use divide and rule strategy in his governance. Lord Ka does not like opposition and ensures that all people obey his commands.

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