Pax Characters

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Pax Character List


Pax is a red fox that was raised by Peter ever since it was a few-week-old kit. Peter succumbs to his father's pressure and leaves Pax behind in the forest. Pax is determined to wait for his boy to return, unaware of the fact that he was purposefully left behind. Protected and kept from the outside world his entire life, Pax doesn't know about the extent of human cruelty, until the other foxes teach him, but he is still strongly determined that his boy is not like that.


Peter lost his mother when he was just a seven-year-old boy and was left with his violent and emotionally abusive father. After discovering Pax, he slowly started healing from the pain and trauma, so the loss of his only support is devastating to him. This is why he decides to go back to Pax. Pax represents home to him. Aware of his father's violence, Peter is determined to not be like him, so he swallows his anger and frustration.


Vola is the strange woman living isolated from the rest of the world on a farm that Peter stumbles upon. As the story unfolds, it is revealed that Vola is held back by guilt and trauma from war, and her self-isolation a form of self-punishment. She has a kind heart, and Peter discovers that one of her dreams is to be a teacher.

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