My Children! My Africa!

Do you really think that Thami believes the things he was argue about in the debates? In other words, do you think he believe that equality for women is a western idea that is not compatible with traditional African culture?

Act one scene 1

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I think part of him does believe what he argues and part of him does not. Thami's loyalties to different people are tested throughout the play. At the beginning, Thami's strongest loyalty is perhaps to Mr. M. He does as Mr. M wishes, competing in debate and leading Mr. M to believe that he might go on to higher education. However, he also knows that he must be loyal to himself and his people, and he starts to feel conflicted about the education system set up by the government for black South Africans. Once Isabel enters his life, he is also loyal to her for some time. They practice together for their competition, meeting regularly and supporting one another by researching and studying. However, after some time, he breaks her loyalty as a teammate and friend by quitting the team and saying that he probably cannot see her anymore. His loyalties have been pulled away from both Isabel and Mr. M by his new loyalty to the Comrades and the Cause, which come to dominate his life choices.