Mrs Faust Quotes


"We worked. We saved. We moved again. Fast cars. A boat with sails. A second home in Whales. The latest toys – computers, mobile phones. Prospered. Moved again. Faust's face was clever, greedy, and slightly mad. It was bad."

Mrs. Faust

Mr. Faust is an acquisitive man, and his wife knows he is after acquiring more wealth daily. However, the reader can note that this couple is hard working because it keeps on prospering because they continue acquiring more wealth, including purchasing new homes and the latest technological devices and moving from one place to the other.

“I grew to love the lifestyle, not life. He grew to love the kudos, not the wife.”

Mrs. Faust

The quote is important because it shows that the marriage between Mrs. And Mr. Faust is only for expediency. Mrs. Faust clearly states that she loves the lifestyle, leisure, and adventure. Mr. Faust, on the other hand, loves kudos, implying that he is money-oriented. Therefore, every person in this marriage has a personal interest to pursue, not love.

"I kissed his lips. The thing is – I've made a pact with Mephistopheles, the Devil's boy."

Mr. Faust

Mr. Faust is a man on the mission of acquiring more affluence every day and is determined to do everything to achieve his objective. In the quote, Mr. Faust is bargaining with the Devil to sell his soul to get everything he wants in this life. The Devil is powerful, and he can make any person prosperous as long as one sells his soul to him.

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