More Happy Than Not Themes

More Happy Than Not Themes

Family and Relationships

The book explores the themes of family and relationships through the main character, Aaron Soto. Aaron lives with his family members in Bronx, New York. His mother, Elsie, and his brother, Eric, are still in the mourning mood after Aaron’s father, Mark, took his own life. Mark killed himself after learning that Aaron is gay. The relationship between the family members is not cordial following Aaron’s confessions.

Loss and Death

Aaron’s father, Mark, is in pain after learning that his son is gay. As a result, he decides to commit suicide to the chagrin of the family members. Mark cannot withstand the fact that his son is gay. Societal conventions illegalize gay behavior and Mark cannot contemplate seeing his son being queer. The loss of Mark makes Aaron look for Leteo procedure to erase memories.


The theme of depression is examined through Aaron and his father. Aaron is depressed when he realizes that he has driven his father to death. Therefore, he chooses to erase his memories and move forward. Aaron’s father commits suicide due to depression. When Aaron announces that he is gay, Mark is depressed. Consequently, he decides to commit suicide.

Teenage Angst

Aaron Soto shares his experiences as a teenager not knowing the potential impacts. At fifteen years of age, Aaron indicates to his parents that he is gay. Besides, he starts dating Collin and Genevieve. The teenage stage is very sensitive and many young people find themselves rejected by their perceived lovers. Aaron is rejected by Thomas and dumped by Collin and feels overwhelmed.

Romantic Love

Several characters in the book are involved in romantic love. The main character, Aaron Soto, falls in love with Collin, Genevieve, and Thomas. The romantic love between the characters is characterized by dishonesty and rejection. Aaron cheats Genevieve when she goes to a summer camp. Collin dumps Aaron when they are accosted by their childhood friends. The actions show that their love is not genuine.

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