Magisterium Quotes


“He said you couldn’t let machines do everything for you; sometimes you had to use your own two hands.”

Glen's Father

This quote reflects the value of human effort and creativity in contrast to solely relying on machines. Glenn's father, despite having the means to automate and make his workshop more efficient chooses to build and create with his own hands. He believes that using machines for everything would diminish the personal touch and ingenuity that comes from human labor. The quote speaks to the idea that there is a certain satisfaction and authenticity in physically crafting and constructing something even if it means dealing with imperfections and challenges along the way. It highlights the father's belief in the importance of hands-on work, dedication, and perseverance in pursuing one's dreams. Additionally, it sets up a potential contrast between Glenn who possesses her father's talent and passion for engineering, and the modern, technologically advanced world she lives in, suggesting a tension between traditional craftsmanship and automated convenience.

“It struck Glenn how their whole life had been made up of such little things.”

The Narrator

This quote captures a profound realization about the nature of human relationships and the significance of seemingly trivial moments. Glenn's reflection reveals a deep understanding that their connection has been forged through the accumulation of small, seemingly mundane experiences over time. These little things could be simple conversations, shared interests, helping each other, or even the moments of vulnerability they have encountered together. The significance lies in the fact that these seemingly insignificant moments have shaped the foundation of their bond, making it meaningful and enduring. It emphasizes the power of everyday interactions and highlights the beauty in the ordinary. By recognizing the value of these "little things," Glenn gains a new perspective on their relationship and perhaps life itself, appreciating the subtleties that often go unnoticed.

“Each question would open a door. What Glenn had to ask herself was, did she want to step through them to the other side?”

The Narrator

In this quote, the author delves into the theme of curiosity and the potential consequences of seeking answers to profound and enigmatic questions. The metaphor of "each question would open a door" hints at the possibility of discovering hidden truths and venturing into uncharted territories. However, the following question, "What Glenn had to ask herself was, did she want to step through them to the other side?" reveals the hesitation and inner conflict within Glenn. She is aware that seeking answers might lead her down uncertain and perilous paths, challenging her perception of reality and possibly unraveling deeply buried secrets. This dilemma reflects the complexity of human curiosity and the fear of confronting uncomfortable truths. Glenn must weigh the value of seeking the truth against the potential risks and repercussions it may have on her life, relationships, and sense of identity. It also speaks to the idea that some questions are best left unasked and ignorance can sometimes provide a sense of security and stability.

“Some people aren’t separate from us,” Opal said. “No matter how much we might like them to be. Over time, we merge.”


This sentiment resonates deeply with the theme of Connection as Glenn grapples with her past, the revelation of her connection to the Magistra, and the weight of her decisions. Opal's anecdote about missing Cort emphasizes the emotional resonance of this merging where individuals become intricately woven into the fabric of our existence. The quote conveys the inevitability of these bonds as attempts to distance ourselves from certain people prove futile. As the narrative unfolds, it becomes clear that Glenn's journey involves reconciling her past, accepting her identity, and embracing the interconnectedness that shapes her life's trajectory. Through Opal's words, the quote explores the complexities of human relationships and how they mold people, reminding them of the lasting impressions left by those they encounter along life's intricate journey.

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