Magic's Price Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Magic's Price Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The symbolism of evil

The author uses Leareth symbolically to represent evil powers. Leareth is also known as Dark Master. The Dark Master is on a mission to ensure Vanyel does not take power in the Kingdom. When Vanyel becomes powerless in his present state, the Dark Master rapes and humiliate him. Consequently, the Dark Master is symbolic of the evil powers.


The action of Stefan to accept the Dark Master's agreement and leave Vanyel behind symbolizes treachery. The reader realizes that Vanyel and Stefan are very close and sexually bonded. Therefore, the reader expects Stefan to make sacrifices and stand by Vanyel's in both good and bad times. Paradoxically, Stefan leaves Vanyel behind and dances to the tune of the Dark Master.


The author figuratively uses death to represent suffering. King Randale is on the verge of death, and he is in great pain. Vanyel feels sorry for what the king is going through. To help ease the king's suffering, Vanyel brings Stefan to sing for the king. Stefan's poetic music can lessen the king's pain.


Vanyel's kickback symbolizes revenge on the Dark Master and his troops. After Vanyel recovers from his insanity, He realizes that the Dark Master has humiliated him. Vanyel uses his power to burn all his enemies, including the Dark Master. The magnitude of revenge is witnessed by Stefan, who sees dead bodies after Vanyel strikes back.

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