Magic's Price Characters

Magic's Price Character List

Vanyel Ashkevron

Vanyel is the protagonist of this novel and the Last Herald-Mage Trilogy which it brings to a conclusion. Vanyel is a character with sweeping epic place within the canon of the author, appearing in a number of other books besides the three comprising the trilogy. From the opening entry, Vanyel is introduced as a revolutionary figure in the world of similar fantasy tales. His personality is such that were he a musician or actor he would be labeled with the term “emo.” He is also notable for becoming the first of the author’s protagonists to be written as explicitly and openly homosexual. As this novel opens, however, he has been celibate despite crafting a person of unrepentant promiscuity.

King Randale

The ruler of Valdemar is in bad shape as the story continues in this entry of the trilogy. An unknown ailment is depriving him of his life force and the descent into immobility has resulted in the necessity of Vanyel having to take on all the responsibilities of being the monarch which Randale is no longer fit to do himself.


When a young bard named Stefen is discovered to possess a talent for playing music which actually has the ability to dull pain, Vanyel arranges for him to play for the king in hope of alleviating Randale’s suffering. Stefen is also openly homosexual and before long Vanyel’s period of celibacy comes to an unexpected end as something quite remarkable and seemingly unprecedented happens. The experience of lifebonding between two people has been long thought to be a one-time deal and Vanyel has already been lifebonded to another young man, though that relationship ends in tragedy. Thus, Vanyel’s second lifebonding—this time with Stefen—seems to defy the foundation of the experience.

Savil Ashkevron

Savil is Vanyel’s aunt who ran away from home as a teenage girl because patriarchal laws mandated against her receiving inheritance. Upon her return she becomes something much more than an aunt to Vanyel, her strength and dominating presence allowing her to bypass patriarch and serve as her nephew’s trusted mentor. It is with the murder of Savil that Vanyel becomes the last Herald-Mage and thus gives the trilogy its name.


Medren is Vanyel’s nephew and also happens to have been college roommates with none other than a certain young fellow named Stefen. Medren may be part of the blood lineage of Vanyel, but he there seems to be every indication he will follow the path of such bastardy as Mordred (from King Arthur) and Edmund (from King Lear). His fate actually serves to subvert the stereotypy of the villainous bastard, however, as he proves to be loving and loyal kin to his heroic uncle.


Also known as Master Dark, so you know he’s not a good guy. Interestingly, he is not just the opposite of Vanyel in terms of the protagonist/antagonist duality, but is his opposite in every day while still being identical. They of equal height and look almost exactly alike but for Vanyel’s silver eyes and hair being matched by Leareth’s black eyes and hair. They even dress alike except that in place of Vanyel’s white attire, Leareth’s clothes are—you guessed it—black.

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