Love Actually


Love Actually is a 2003 romantic comedy film written and directed by Richard Curtis. The Christmas film features an ensemble cast, composed predominantly of British actors, many of whom had worked with Curtis in previous projects. An international co-production of the United Kingdom, United States and France, it was mostly filmed on-location in London. The film delves into different aspects of love as shown through 10 separate stories involving a variety of individuals, many of whom are interlinked as the plot progresses. The story begins five weeks before Christmas and is played out in a weekly countdown until the holiday, followed by an epilogue that takes place in the New Year.

The film was released in the US on 14 November 2003 and a week later in the UK during its theatrical run. Love Actually was a box-office success, grossing $245 million worldwide on a budget of $40 million. The film received mixed reviews and received a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.

A made-for-television short film sequel, Red Nose Day Actually, aired in two different versions on BBC One and NBC in 2017.

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