Lord of Chaos Characters

Lord of Chaos Character List

The Dark One

The main antagonist of Lord of Chaos and the overall Wheel of Time series, The Dark One isn't able to directly act in a situation. However, he still has tremendous power and influence over people who he thinks are willing to help his cause. In Lord of Chaos, his power grows and he causes terrible climate change, creates Shaidar Haran, and revives two characters (Aginor and Balthamel) in different forms. Beyond that, the Dark One acts malevolently to try and influence the actions of people across the world in a way beneficial to him - and him only.

Rand al'Thor

The main protagonist of Lord of Chaos and the overall Wheel of Time series, Rand al'Thor's chief mission in all of his lives is to battle the Dark One and his minions. He is an intelligent, headstrong, and imaginative man who does all that he can to stop evildoers from enacting their terrible plans - alone or with the help of other people whose help he enlists.

Morgase Trakand

The deposed Queen of Andor and mother of Gawyn and Elayne, Morgase Trakand is an intelligent and headstrong woman who has lost her throne. She wants to get it back as soon as possible, so she goes to Amadicia for help in returning the throne to its rightful owner. Instead of getting help to return her throne, Morgase is kidnapped.

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