L.A. Confidential

Home media

A VHS and DVD were released on April 14, 1998.[87] In addition to the film, the latter release included two featurettes, an interactive map of Los Angeles, a music-only track, a theatrical trailer, and three TV spots.[88]

The movie was released again as a two-disc Special Edition DVD and Blu-ray on September 23, 2008.[89] Both sets have the same bonus content. In addition to the features from the original DVD, there are four new featurettes, the 1999 pilot of the proposed TV series starring Kiefer Sutherland, and film commentary by writer (novel) James Ellroy, writer (screenplay)/co-producer Brian Helgeland, actors Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce, James Cromwell, Kim Basinger, Danny DeVito & David Strathairn, production designer Jeannine Oppewall, director of photography Dante Spinotti, costume designer Ruth Myers and American film critic Andrew Sarris. Some sets included a six-song sampler from the film's soundtrack.[88]

On September 26, 2017, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, the distributor and part owner of New Regency, rereleased the film on Blu-ray as part of its 20th anniversary with new cover artwork. The disc has the same technical specifications and bonus features as the previous Blu-ray.[90]

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