It Comes at Night Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does the red door symbolize?

    The red door is the entrance to Paul and Sarah's home. It stays locked at night and no one is to go out unless it's day time. The red door represents the fact that there is death outside, and serves as a warning to anyone who desires to leave that they stand a chance of being infected if they choose to go out into the world.

  2. 2

    What is the meaning of Andrew and Travis both having nightmares?

    We see that Travis has nightmares throughout the film about the outbreak infecting people including himself. So, when we see that Andrew has had a nightmare as well and walked out into another room, we connect the two character's stories. Thus, when Andrew becomes infected we can instantly link the infection to Travis as well as the characters are now bound to one another.

  3. 3

    How does Paul and Sarah find out that Andrew could be infected?

    Travis's room is located in the house where he can hear people's conversations through the walls. Thus, when he is listening in to Will and Kim's room he hears them say they need to leave and believes it is because Andrew has been infected. As soon as he hears this, he goes straight to his mom and dad to tell them.

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