Into the Wild (2007 Film) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why can't Christopher return home at the end of his journey?

    Christopher has resigned himself to living his life in the wild, but after a long period of traveling and living in nature he realizes that life is best when you connect with other people. He decides to return to his family and friends. Still, he is unable to return home because the frozen over river he crossed when he entered the wilderness has unthawed and is too dangerous to go through and cross. He remains in the abandoned bus he lives in without food until his death.

  2. 2

    What is the significance of Franz wanting to adopt Christopher?

    Ron has lost his family in a car accident while he was away serving in the military. He chose to work in a leather shop and has, after a long period of time, found a connection with Christopher whom he asks to adopt. The significance of this is that Ron is finding meaning and purpose in another person seeking meaning. In addition, the fact that Christopher is so young affords him the opportunity to once again love someone, a chance that he did not get with his own children.

  3. 3

    What is the significance of Christopher getting boots from a stranger when he enters the wild for the first time?

    Christopher has decided to leave traditional society altogether and live in nature. He burns his credit cards and identification cards, even his money at one point and decides to live off the land. So when the stranger who he hitchhikes with gives him a pair of boots before he enters the wild to live on the land it reveals how under-prepared he is to live on the land. Its significance is that Christopher means well to be only connected to the wild, but humanity is built on both significance of meaning that comes from our belief system and the ability to reason how to follow the path we choose for our life.

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