If Beale Street Could Talk (film) Quotes


"I guess you call your lustful action love. I don't. I always knew you'd be the destruction of my son. The Bible says, "Put to death therefore all that is earthly in you. Sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, covetousness." That child was born of sin, and the Holy Ghost is gon' cause it to shrivel in your womb."

Mrs. Hunt

Mrs. Hunt, Fonny mother is a classic example of someone who knows religion, but doesn't know Jesus enough to love people. Her hateful accusations and lies spew out of her when she hears that Tish and her son are having a child before being married. Mrs. Hunt is a stark contrast to Tish's mother.

"I don't want to sound foolish, but remember love is what brought you here. And if you've trusted love this far, don't panic now. Trust it all the way."


Tish's mother tells her this after she finds out she's pregnant with Fonny's baby and Fonny is wrongly accused of rape and in prison. Her mother is straight with her that love is the only thing worth following in a world bent on prejudice and doing wrong against black people.

"Look, man, with me it's pretty simple. I dig people who love each other. Black, white. Green, purple. It doesn't even matter to me. Just spread the love, you know?"


Levy says this to Fonny and Tish after Fonny is skeptical off a white man being so kind to them by letting them rent an apartment from him. They've been rejected by everyone else for being black. Levy is a man that wants love to spread, doesn't matter how it happens as long as it does.

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