Good Night, Mr. Tom

What are 5 specific ways that the war affects characters in the little weirwold or London

What are 5 specific ways that the war affects the characters in the weirwold

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I can't go through each character but I can make a general comment. The story, which takes place before and during World War II, examines the effects of war on the people of Little Weirwold. Positively speaking, war has brought William to the village and to Tom. In a sense, war saved William and Tom from a life of loneliness and heartache. Additionally, the war unites William with fellow evacuee Zach. On the negative side, war’s casualties have taken its toll on Little Weirwold. One of the families, the Fletchers, loses their son. Zach’s father’s injury leads him to London where he dies in an air raid. Everyday life in Little Weirwold has drastically changed as well. The villagers must keep blackout shades over their windows at night to avoid detection. Additionally, they build bomb shelters for protection and carry gas masks. There is a sense of pervading tension in the town due to the war.