Fools Crow


  • Pikuni – A clan of the Blackfeet tribe.
  • Napikwan – refers to White people.
  • Three Bears – Chief of Lone Eaters. Well-respected.
  • Rides-at-the-Door – Fools Crow's father. Becomes chief after Three Bears dies.
  • White Man's Dog/Fools Crow – Protagonist. Will eventually lead his tribe to victory.
  • Double Strike Woman – Fools Crow's mother and Rides-at-the-Door's wife.
  • Striped Face – Second wife of Rides-at-the-Door.
  • Kills Close to the Lake- Third wife of Rides-at-the-Door. She is 17 years old.
  • Running Fisher – Fools Crow's brother.
  • Fast Horse – Fools Crow's friend, son of Boss Ribs. Turns away from tradition, but atones by returning Yellow Kidney's body.
  • Yellow Kidney – Leader of the horse raid, where he rapes a dying young woman and is captured. Father of Red Paint and father-in-law of Fools Crow. Eventually killed by the Napikwan.
  • Heavy Shield Woman – Wife of Yellow Kidney.
  • Red Paint – Daughter of Yellow Kidney, marries Fools Crow.
  • Mik-Api – Medicine man of the Blackfeet. Teaches Fools Crow the traditional songs and medicines.
  • Owl Child – A Pikuni rebel who plans on waging war on Napikwan. Provokes retaliation.
  • Chief Mountain – Pikuni chief who aligns with armed struggle rather than compromise. (Not historically accurate. Mountain Chief was the final leader of the Blackfeet tribe, not Rides-at-the-door, a fictional character.)
  • Heavy Runner – Pikuni leader who, in contrast to Mountain Chief, cooperated with the US. (Heavy Runner's band was mistakenly killed by Army forces at the Marias Massacre.)
  • Boss Ribs – Father of Fast Horse. Well respected in the tribe

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