Evolution and Imagination in Victorian Children's Literature Literary Elements

Evolution and Imagination in Victorian Children's Literature Literary Elements



Setting and Context

Set in Victorian England

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Humorous, informative and intriguing

Protagonist and Antagonist

The central character is Lewis Carroll.

Major Conflict

The main conflict is that human beings are desperately looking forward to comprehending their origin.


The climax comes when society shifts from speculative human evolution to scientifically proven human evolution.


The death of imaginative writings about the human origin is foreshadowed by the evolution of scientifically proven methods that show how people came into being.


Scientific discovery about human evolution is understated. Besides the proven facts about man's evolution, many people still believe based on religious beliefs.


The story alludes to creation history.


The imagery of evolution and creation depicts sight to readers to have an imaginative picture of the origin of man.


The paradox of the origin of man is predominant in the text. Besides this book written for children, the reader finds it satirical that evolution is complex for children to comprehend.


There is parallelism between Charles’ Darwin's theory of evolution and cultural beliefs about the origin of humanity.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



Science is personified as the true informer about the evolution of man.

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