Evil Dead 2 Imagery

Evil Dead 2 Imagery


Raimi uses the camera to create the character of the evil spirit. He does so by having the camera chase Ash in the first person point of view throughout the house. Thus, when the camera begins to follow anything in a frantic manner, it creates the character of the demon having an actual presence on screen.


Ash has driven his Oldsmobile away from the cabin in the woods in order to get away from the demon. But when he gets to the bridge we see that it has been destroyed and in a wide shot we see him screaming as the metal from the bridge is twisted and broken away. The imagery shows how, like the bridge, Ash feels broken and torn away from the hope that he can escape this horror.


Linda has been killed and buried by Ash after being possessed. But she soon comes back to life and begins dancing. The imagery connects her earlier dance in the film to the now possessed dance she has acquired and what was once a romantic connection between her and Ash has turned into a image of fear and torment.


We see fog rush in and flow out as Ash is possessed and then the sunrise comes and it leaves. The imagery created in this scene connects the possession of Ash to a fog rolling in so, when we see this fog at any other point in the film we know that evil is coming.

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