Elvis's Twin Sister

Elvis's Twin Sister Summary

The poem begins with two quotations. The first, in which a speaker asks whether listeners are lonely, comes from the Elvis Presley song "Are You Lonesome Tonight." The second comes from the pop star Madonna, proclaiming that Elvis is alive and a woman. The speaker then begins in earnest, introducing herself. She explains that she lives in a convent as a nun. There she gardens and prays for the soul of rock n' roll music.

She is known as Sister Presley and can shake her hips just like her brother Elvis, to the delight of the convent's Reverend Mother. From the garden, the speaker can hear Latin chants, which translate to "Our lamb is sacrificed." She describes her uniform, which consists of traditional, modest items like a habit and a rosary as well as a pair of blue suede shoes.

The speaker explains that she thinks of her convent as a land of grace or a "Graceland," referencing the name of Elvis Presley's famous home. This thought puts her signature crooked smile back on her face. She reflects that she is healthy and doing well, and that it has been a long time since she experienced heartache and loneliness. She conveys this concept with yet another reference to Presley's music, referring to these emotional states as "Lonely Street" and "the Heartbreak Hotel."