Elizabeth Bishop: Poems

In popular culture

Reaching for the Moon (2013) is a Brazilian movie about Bishop's life when she was living in Brazil with Lota de Macedo Soares.[41] The Portuguese title of the film is Flores Raras.

Author Michael Sledge published the novel The More I Owe You, about Bishop and Soares, in 2010.[42]

Bishop's friendship with Robert Lowell was the subject of the play Dear Elizabeth, by Sarah Ruhl, which was first performed at the Yale Repertory Theater in 2012.[43] The play was adapted from the two poets' letters which were collected in the book Words in Air: The Complete Correspondence Between Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell.[44]

In the television show Breaking Bad, episode 2.13, "ABQ", Jane's father enters her bedroom where there is a photograph of Elizabeth Bishop on the wall. Earlier, the father had told the police that Jane's mother's maiden name was Bishop.

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