Daughter in Exile Irony

Daughter in Exile Irony


Lola observes that Len and his wife, despite having black roots, are among the party attendants who are not satisfied with life in Senegal. Lola observes, "His (Len's) wife, an oak-colored woman with green eyes and cotton-ball blond afro, formed a clump of people complaining about Senegal.” These two black people would be expected to be contented to be in a country that could be part of their roots. They are Americans with black roots and visible black features such as Afro-hair. Yet, Olga, who is white, asserts her unconditional appreciation for Senegal.

The Irony of America

Olga challenges her friends' views about America's civilization. She affirms her belief that Senegal is a civilized country. Olga declares, "I'll give a hundred dollars to anyone who can point to the house like this and servants back in Kansas or wherever you came from." Her challenge rebuts her friends' ironic statements about America being equivalent to an absolute civilization. If Senegal were not civilized, it would be impossible to find modern houses like the ones they are currently conducting the party in. Olga is more open-minded and appreciative of Senegal than her snobbish friends.

Mistress to Barry

Olga ironically suggests that Lola can move with them to America, where she would play the role of Barry’s mistress. Barry’s Olga's husband and she would be expected to own his heart jealously. Olga declares, “You could come with us, you know. I whatever capacity you want. Mistress to Barry. Whatever." Olga's declaration, even on a light note, means that she would not mind sharing her husband with Lola if it would make it possible for Lola to go with them to America. Olga knows she will miss Lola and would do anything for her to be close and continue their friendship.

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