Blossoms of the Savannah

Mama Milanoi is a real example of the real nasila women. Show to the extent to which you agree with this statement

How mama milanoi is a real nasila woman

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Initially, Mama seems to be a more modern woman. She and her husband moved away when they married, they married the person of their choice, and they remain monogamous in their relationship. Mama does not agree with arranged marriages, as evidenced in her choice not to marry the man her parents intended her to marry. She also believes in the rights of women, though she rarely makes it known.

After returning to their hometown, it becomes obvious that Mama defers to her husband. Note, they have a very strong marriage and mutual respect. Sadly, however, her return home also changes or possibly exposes the importance of her cultural upbringing. Circumcision of females, for example, is a traditional rite of passage. Mama opposes this practice but says nothing against it, thus, giving into cultural expectations. She also remains silent when offers of marriage present themselves for her daughters.


Blossoms of the Savannah