Art and the Bible Imagery

Art and the Bible Imagery

Religious imagery

The work is filled with instances of religious imagery to provide examples of art and beauty within the Bible. Examples of that are the tabernacle and the temple: God ordered David to build the temple embellished in precious stones for the sole purpose of artistic beauty; God ordered Moses to build the tabernacle decorated with flowers and imagery of nature again for the artistic purpose.

Art imagery

There are various instances of the author using the imagery of art in his essays. He uses the examples of great artists, such as Picasso to argue his case that art is an important aspect of Christianity. He provides the example of Picasso and his change of art from natural to abstract forms, creating monsters of his human subjects, to argue his perspective of art alienation.

Music imagery

The author mentions the example of music as an art form that is present in Christianity. He mentions classical works, as well as the struggle of contemporary Christian musician to solidify the religious purpose of their music. The author also provides an example of discussion of what a specifically Christian music style is, to which only a meaningless answer was given: it is a music that one can tap one's foot to. With this example the author argues his point of importance of not limiting the Christian life and Christian art to one particular thing.

Imagery of “The Waste Land”

The author uses the imagery of T.S. Elliot’s “The Waste Land” several times throughout the essays as a distinguishable work of art that reflects the world view. The imagery of the wasteland and the fragmented form of that literary work are a reflection of a fragmented individual.

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