American Animals Characters

American Animals Character List


Warren is a charismatic student who enrolled in college on a sport-scholarship. He is unhappy with his life and when Spencer mentions the rare, expensive books stored at the library, he immediately works on a master-plan to steal them and change their lives forever. Whether it's his charismatic and extremely extroverted nature, or the fact that he is the one making all the negotiations, there is a sense that he pressured the rest of the guys, especially Spencer, to move forward with the plan.


Spencer is a talented art student who is unhappy with the lack of opportunity to move forward with his dream. He is immediately struck by the Audubon's bird artwork, and reveals its existence and the lack of security surrounding it to his friend Warren. He agrees to plan the robbery because of the dullness in his life, and the excitement it will bring to it. Furthermore, he is the complete opposite of Warren - introverted and easily frightened.


Eric is another one of Warren's friends, whom he gets into their plan of robbing the library because they need more people for the operation to be successful. The idea of excitement in his dull college life appeals to him as well, and he agrees to join.


Chas is an all-around perfect student and son. He comes from a wealthy family and since very young, he followed in his father's business footsteps. He gets recruited by Warren, and unlike others, he is there for reckless excitement instead of the money.

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