All Boys Aren't Blue Characters

All Boys Aren't Blue Character List

George M. Johnson

Johnson is the five-year-old protagonist introduced in Act 1 of the book. Johnson lives with his family in Plainfield, where the family has lived for over 50 years. Johnson grows alongside his grandmother, whom he greatly respects because of her wisdom. Throughout the memoir, Johnson reflects on the significance of his grandmother and how she positively impacted his life.

Johnson has brothers who look up to him, and he does his best to be a good role model. Johnson is depicted as a unique character that is different from the rest because of his self-awareness and the will to guide others. Consequently, Johnson becomes one of the favorite people Nanny likes to be around her.


Johnson describes Nanny as a woman full of wisdom and loving. According to Johnson, Nanny is a loving guardian who does not discriminate because she loves all grandchildren equally. More importantly, Johnson states the Nanny dispenses pieces of wisdom he refers to as Nannyisms, and he expansively quotes them in his memoir and other writings.

Little Rall

Rall is Johnson's brother, and not much is said about him except the author hinting that he was close to Nanny. Rall could not miss Nanny's nuggets of wisdom, and he believed that he must practice good virtues to be a good man in society when he grows up.


Gareth is Johnson's little brother, the youngest in the family. Gareth is everyone's favorite because he does not stress whoever associates with him. Gareth and Johnson have a close relationship, and he talks a lot about him in his memoir. Gareth always accompanied Johnson to visit Nanny and listen to her endless stories of wisdom.

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