A Thousand Splendid Suns

From the selection below, choose the theme that is best supported by the passage above.

Mariam had never before worn a burqa. Rasheed had to help her put it on. The headpiece felt tight and heavy on her skull, and it was strange seeing the world through a mesh screen. She practiced walking around her room in it and kept stepping on the hem and stumbling. The loss of peripheral vision was unnerving, and she did not like the suffocating way the pleated cloth kept pressing against her mouth. “You’ll get used to it,” Rasheed said. “With time, I bet you’ll even like it.” (Housseini 72).
From the selection below, choose the theme that is best supported by the passage
a. Shame is a heavy burden to carry.
b. Marriage can be a challenging adventure.
c. Life isn’t always fair.
d. Women are expected to be submissive.
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d. Women are expected to be submissive.