To Kill a Mockingbird

which detail from To Kill a Mockingbird best supports the theme of respect in the subplot about boo radley?

these are questions for my language arts class.

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I think a good quote is when Atticus admonishes Scout, Jem and Dill for harassing Boo Radley. Atticus catches the kids playing the Boo Radley game.He tells them to, “Stop tormenting that man” with either notes or the silly game. Atticus understands the sanctity of privacy and that Boo deserves respect rather than children playing games. Atticus says that Boo, like all people, deserves his dignity, “What Mr. Radley does is his own business.” I don't think that Dill is especially a liar more than any other child. He has an active imagination and, like most children, says things to avoid punishment.