To Kill a Mockingbird

What secret does Dolphus Raymond reveal to Scout and Dill outside the courthouse? How does it change the way they think of him? What is his explanation for why he “deliberately perpetuates a fraud against himself”?

chapter 20-24

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Dolphus reveals that he is not an alcoholic. He drinks soda. The children learn that some people just don't want to be questioned. Mr. Raymond stops discussion of his relationship with Maycomb's black population by giving people a reason to think he's different.


To Kill a Mockingbird

Dolphus Raymond reveals that he is not an alcoholic. And what he is always drinking is soda no alcohol. This changes the way they think of him because now they learn that some people just do not want to be questioned. His explanation of “deliberately perpetuates a fraud against himself,” is that he does not really talk about his relationship with Maycomb's black community.