To Build a Fire

Create a list of things the man did to help him survive the cold for so long in detail.

In regards to what the short story said

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From the text:


"Fifty degrees below zero stood for a bite of frost that hurt and that must be guarded against by the use of mittens, ear-flaps, warm moccasins, and thick socks."

He started to untie his moccasins. They were coated with ice; the thick German socks were like sheaths of iron halfway to the knees; and the moccasin strings were like rods of steel all twisted and knotted as by some conflagration.


"As for lunch, he pressed his hand against the protruding bundle under his jacket. It was also under his shirt, wrapped up in a handkerchief and lying against the naked skin. It was the only way to keep the biscuits from freezing. He smiled agreeably to himself as he thought of those biscuits, each cut open and sopped in bacon grease, and each enclosing a generous slice of fried bacon."

the dog


"Then he got out matches and proceeded to make a fire."

a knife

"For a moment he tugged with his numb fingers, then, realizing the folly of it, he drew his sheath-knife."

birch-bark to aid in starting the fire

"When all was ready, the man reached in his pocket for a second piece of birch-bark."


To Build a Fire

"As for lunch, he pressed his hand against the protruding bundle under his jacket. It was also under his shirt, wrapped up in a handkerchief and lying against the naked skin. It was the only way to keep the biscuits from freezing. He smiled agreeably to himself as he thought of those biscuits, each cut open and sopped in bacon grease, and each enclosing a generous slice of fried bacon."

the dog


"Then he got out matches and proceeded to make a fire."

a knife

"For a moment he tugged with his numb fingers, then, realizing the folly of it, he drew his sheath-knife."

birch-bark to aid in starting the fire

"When all was ready, the man reached in his pocket for a second piece of birch-bark."